The team had an opportunity to arrange a Valentine’s Day performance for marketing team of Emporium Department Store. How sweet could it be, if love messages are delivered to Mall-goers by little children under 8 years old!

The challenge of this campaign was to give the role of department store staff to the “little cupids.” The cupids had to wear an outfit similar to department store staff but the color of the uniform was changed to pink, perfect for Valentine’s. In addition to that, all children were trained in acting and singing by Kru Auu, Premjit Amnuckmanee from D-Dance.

The campaign’s art direction was particularly challenging because we had to figure out how to make children act and dress in a way that most resemble adults without abandoning their innocence.

Everything was set in different shades of pink, from bright pink suit jacket and shorts, customized pink dresses for the girls to accessories, such as, tiny little belt bags (obtained by our stylist to look exactly like those of Emporium staff) and black shoes for both girls and boys.

For the performance, the children would start by singing then spread out to greet customers walking around the Department Store. They would hand out letters with love messages.

We would say this is the best part because everyone reacted in such different ways. Some startled when the children poked them. Some gave out the widest smile.

We also customized the messages to be suitable for all, whether lovers, Japanese, men, women, or even those walking alone. After they read the letter, they would be given a cookie with a heart screened on it as a small souvenir from Emporium.

The performance received great feedbacks because all customers walking around that day broke into smiles when they saw the children there singing. Those received love letters also smiled and laughed, asking for photos with our little cupids. The performance was so successful at customer engagement and this made both customer and us so happy <3    

Client : Emporium Department Store

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